  • The School Re opens for Classes 1 to 4 on Thursday 4th 2021

The CMI education apostolate aims at an education by which character is formed, strength of mind increased, intellect expanded and one can stand on one’s own feet with a conviction that everyone is precious gift of God. Hence K. E. Carmel nurtures the little mind to become

Intellectually competent

Spiritually mature

Morally upright

Psychologically integrated

Physically healthy and socially acceptable.

K. E. Carmel Public School will be a powerful agent of social change and aspires towards creating: A just humane society where Dignity of the person is respected Unjust social structure are challenged And where the poor and marginalized are specially taken care of.

Young minds are inspired and helped to imbibe genuine human values in the present context of;

Rampant injustice,

Religio-cultural fundamentalism,

Environmental exploitation and

The spreading materialistic culture.